Monday, May 25, 2009

I will act now Part 1

will act now.

Ecclesiastes 11:4
“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. “
I found this from Rick Warren and could not have said it better.
Most of us have experienced the 8 Phases of Procrastination:
Phase 1: Hopeful – “I’ll start early this time.”
Phase 2: A little tension – “I’ve got to start soon.”
Phase 3: Creeping guilt – “I should have started sooner.”
Phase 4: False reassurance – “There is still time to do it.”
Phase 5: Getting desperate – “What’s wrong with me?”
Phase 6: Intense pain – “I can’t wait any longer!”
Phase 7: Get it over with – “Just get it done!”P
hase 8: Cycle repeats – “Next time, I’ll start earlier.”

Procrastination does tremendous damage to ourselves and others at work. It causes unnecessary pressure and problems … and it wastes opportunities, time, and money. The problem is: procrastination is addicting! The more you succumb to it, the harder it is to change. It becomes a way of life, causing you a lot of misery.· Stop making excuses!· Realize perfectionism paralyzes performance!· Face your fears!· Focus on the gain, not the pain!· DO IT NOW!What have you been putting off that you know you need to do? … something at work … at home … at church? DO IT NOW!


Vince Farrell said...

These are good words, my only thouthts come in the form of what I'm having to do----wait. I want to move ahead, however due to a situation beyond my control, I'm in a place where the only thing I can do is wait...because going against authority in my life is a non issue. Got any wisdom for that??? lol
Enjoyed it!!!

Brian Miller said...

happy mem day! would leave you a comment with actual thoughts but i am procrastinating.

Brad said...

@ Vince....I would just be planning and preparing because I know God has some big things planned for you my might be a good time for a FAST, but I am sure you have already been doing that.

@ Brian....thanks my friend for all the comments and support, on vacation right now and went back and made a few minor changes to some recent posts..sorry.