Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I will act now Part 2

I will act now.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
“There is an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth.”

We have to accept the fact that everything happens in God’s timing. We might not be able to see God working in our lives right now, but you know what? He is. I look back at all the times I was wondering where God was and every time now I look back and I can see him working in my life at the time, even though I could not feel his presence or know He was at work.

Know today that God is working in your life. I have to truly remind myself that I am operating in Gods time and that He has an opportune time for me to do the things He has called me to do.

Today God is calling you to do something.
What is it?
· Maybe it is to get involved in your local church
· Maybe it is to serve in your local church
· Maybe it is to give of your finances to your local church
· Maybe it is to just talk to that one person who has been on your heart to talk to about His love.

I don’t know but God does and as long as it lines up with His will YOU MUST ACT NOW. Do it and don’t hesitate because delayed obedience to God is still disobedience.

This week I challenge you to ACT on what it is God wants you to do.

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