Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Five Temptations Of A CEO

I have to admit that this is the first Patrick Lencioni book I have read and WOW was it powerful. I only wish I would have read these years ago while working in the corporate world. The first few chapters are broken down into a fable and the last few chapters go into more detail of the five temptations of a CEO. This book is a very useful tool in any type of a leadership role and can be used across many areas of the work force.

There are many useful points that are made that can easily be transferred into ministry also. Let me break down the Five temptations the CEO will go through according to Lencioni:

Temptation #1
Unsuccessful CEO's focus on preserving their status within the organization, instead of on delivering performance and results. Watching a leader protect his turf at the expense of company performance is not uncommon, and is often evident following a promotion.

Temptation #2
Unsuccessful CEO's do not hold "direct reports" accountable for delivering on commitments that drive results. This is often the result of the CEO's desire to be popular. In this case, however, nice guys finish last. Direct reports are not the CEOs support group. They are key employees or managers who must deliver results instead of excuses.

Temptation #3
Unsuccessful CEO's make accuracy more important than clarity. "Analysis paralysis" is a great excuse for uncertainty and imperfection. Instead, strive for 80% accuracy in a reasonable amount of time. Just do it now, and don't worry about perfection. In our office we like to say that if you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it is bound to stick.

Temptation #4
Unsuccessful CEO's believe that maintaining an atmosphere of harmony in which everybody agrees on everything is in an organization's best interest. It rarely is. Harmony restricts constructive conflict and the passionate interchange of ideas and opinions.

Temptation #5
Unsuccessful CEO's strive to be invaluable in order to protect their credibility. In other words, they fail to trust key people with their reputation and their ego. Instead, opening up to employees and showing vulnerability will result in a return of trust, respect and honesty.
CEOs who focus on results over status, accountability over popularity, clarity over certainty, productive conflict over harmony, and trust over invulnerability can still fail. But the failure is usually the result of factors, influences and events outside of their control. Harold Geneen said it best in his management classic Managing. "The greatest disease among leaders is not alcoholism, it is egoism."

Don't let it happen to you.

Great Book!!

1 comment:

Brian Miller said...

great review...have read 5 dysfunctions but not this one...sounds like one i need to check out.