Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Turning Point Part 4

We had recently watched the movie The Passion by Mel Gibson, so we stopped at a Bible outlet in Mobile Alabama to purchase us some new Bibles. Stacey was driving and I started reading the books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John about the last 12 hours of Christ to see how the movie compared. I got to Luke and started to weep. I could not understand how someone could go through all of that just for me. Why would He not just call forth his angels and show those Romans who He really was? And with His last words prior to His resurrection..It is finished. I received Christ as my Lord and Savior and never turned back.

I continued to serve at my local church until in Gods timing I got promoted and moved up to South Atlanta. We visited several churches in the area but could not find our match. We visited Turning Point Church and instantly knew we were home. I started serving on the praise team playing guitar until I was asked to do some other things in the ministry.

Four years later God took a huge directional change in my life and I decided to go full time into the ministry. With a 70% pay cut, I definitely took a step out on faith, but God has taken care of my needs and far exceeding my expectations. I truly love what I do for a living now and have dedicated my life to serving Christ.

1 comment:

Brian Miller said...

heres to 70% pay cuts and the freedom they bring....smiles.