Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Morning VIP

I heard a great quote from Andy Stanley about church growth. He said that if people come to your church based on a marketing campaign they are looking for relationships, but if they are coming because they were invited by a friend then they are looking for information. We as the church need to be able to offer both of these things. We have recently really fine tuned our vision at Turning Point Church to become a God given force to spread the news of Jesus Christ.

We call it Reach people with the message of Jesus Chris, Restore them to the body of Christ in the local church, Raise people to be fully devoted followers of Christ, and Release them into their God given purpose and destiny.

We reach people with our weekend service, we restore people with our life groups, we raise people with our growth track and we release people with our dream team.
Today our welcome team encouraged each other with a hands in and I got a picture of it.


Brian Miller said...

when a group of people come together with a clear direction and purpose it creates an atmosphere fr great things to happen. excited for you man.

on a personal note - i leave friday to fly to WPB. keep me in your prayers.

Brad said...

Thanks Brian, and I will be praying for you.